dilluns, 28 de novembre del 2016

friendly team

As you have seen in this blog I enjoy with my job, and I write about it. This year has been special for me. I always think that my job mates are not my friends... they are a great group of people, and with the most of them we create feeling and confiance and it is good for the difficult services. I have worked with them for ten years and I think this is my team, this is my people and I don't want to change of job group. No all of us have arrived the same day or the same year, some firefighters have arrived and others have go on during this time. It is a dinanic group but the philosophy of the group has been maintained.
Recent years I decided not to assist to the Christmas meeting dinner, as I have seid they are not my friends. This year many things have happened... injuries are common in firefighters. We are active people and sports, trainings, misfortunes, illness and others have meant that no all of us have arrived able to work at the end of this year.
This year I will go to my team Christmas meeting. I want to celebrate with them that we are a good team, and I want to stay with them many years more. I want to recover my convalescent mates and next year I want to celebrate that all of them are working again.
If I see back I can remember some people that now probably are singing Gregorian chant in Heaven (or extinguishing fire in the hell). In a few years other mates will go with them, others will retire due to injuries... It is the sad part of this job. As my linkage with them is higher, increases my pain. I do not want to be friend of my mates. I want to have good mates, not more. This blog allows me to know many people and not all of them see firefighters' world as I feel it, and all of them are my mates.
Some days, not all of us wants to meeting to take the afternoon tea, or to spend time talking with other about a disagreement, same days we are individualists (there are no problem, all people needs his own time), but I think it is very important to mainaint the force as a team. This year is arriving to its end I want to enjoy with people that makes up my group that we are together.
Since summer there is a challenge to promote caporal and sergeant, and some colleagues maybe achieve it. Probably some people will get injured during next year and is is easy that some of us will be in other fire station. I am feeling different this year. I want to celebrate we are a team, with differences, of course, but a team.

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