dilluns, 30 de març del 2015

English days

This is my second post in English. Why now? Well, the first was an exercise to be used in my second course, there was an activity to explain our English use experiences, and I talked about my needs of English in my live as a firefighter.
Now my English needs are the same than before, but now I'm not alone... If I want to explain the true, I have to say that one mate was studying English when I wrote my first post, but he has ever stayed one course under mine. At this point, he is in 3rd and he has changed to EOI from IOC, where I am studying since 1B and now I am in 4B (the second semester of 4th).
Actually, in my job team (D team) there are some people in different English levels. After last summer, our School's plan started a grade of technical English and many firefighters got in this course, therefore these weeks there are many people with their laptops with learning exercises and specific activities.

But it is not all, I have changed my situation of the "rare" that is spending all day in front of the computer with his activities to a new position... now I am like the teacher or the helper.
There is another mate that is studying 2nd in the IOC network. He is in his early forties, with a brown beard and well-built also a broad-shouldered man. In punctual moments of the day we have tried to speak a few sentences in English... well, it is not easy with other people that are looking us with their eyes as a plates. But we think it is a great exercise, and it's probably a thing that we will do next days.
Our team leader is studying too, he is in the third level and his face turns in red when we talk him in English, and this was one of the reasons to decided us to try to use English between us.
All these problems are handicabs that we have to change, therefore next day, in our job we will have to speak in English. I hope at the end of the day we will have spoken many times and corrected some of our mistakes. We will be speaking some hours, talking about grammar mistakes and pronuntiation. At the first moment we could be four firefighters acting as four crazies.

Finally I wish this is not the last time I write in English this year, I hope to do it again before the summer. (I've to recognise that I have used some of my new grammar expressions)

Have a very nice Easter week!

1 comentari:

  1. Hi Alfons, I'm really proud of your english level!
    I hope you are a good student and a better teacher, so look after your students and they will be very happy of you.
    Have a nice week lovely firefighter!


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